5 reasons why you should work with a virtual assistant
Working with a virtual assistant can completely change the way that you – and your business – operate. It can help you to save money, it can help you to save time – and best of all, it can help you to outsource specialized work to people who have a wealth of experience so that your business benefits.
Outsourcing to a virtual assistant can be a daunting task for somebody who is new to the idea of “working in the cloud”. If you’re not sure about working virtually, or staying up to date with the latest trends in business development and virtual management, working with Arup can make all the difference as you transition into this exciting new way of working.
With Arup, it’s all about getting the cost-effective and business-effective benefits of having a virtual assistant without any of the potential hassles. It’s like having your very own HR department who manage and coordinate all of your virtual staff.
Here are five reasons why you should work with us:
1. Working with Arup alleviates the fears of a relatively new virtual industry – especially if you’re worried about because your new staff member isn't right in front of you at all times. Arup will check and verify every virtual assistant who works with them. They’ll follow up on their references, confirm their experience and their qualifications, and make sure that they’re up to date on the latest technologies.
2. You don’t need to worry about finding somebody or replacing staff - If you need a new virtual assistant, or your current one needs replacing, you don’t have to worry about it. Let your dedicated account manager do the hard work for you and find the ideal person for the job every time.
3. It is extremely cost effective - Not only do you only pay the fixed fee quoted per hour, but you also have somebody else managing your team. Cost effective is also about being time effective, and working with someone on an hourly basis ensures that you get the best value for your money.
4. It offers you flexible workload management - If you need two virtual assistants for the week, but only one for on-going work throughout the year, that’s just fine. We will give you the flexibility as requirement for capacity changes. They’ll assign you the best staff for the job whenever you need them and for as long as you need them: problem solved.
5. It offers you instant networking and access to other service professionals - Arup has a network of verified and reliable industry professionals who will be able to assist you with on-going or ad-hoc work. Need a designer for a once-off job? Need a programmer to fix something on your website? Looking for someone to help out with customer service when the holidays pick up? No problem. Arup can suggest the best person from their extensive network of reliable virtual assistants and service providers.
5 reasons why you should work with a virtual assistant
Reviewed by Arup K Seth

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