Who Uses Virtual Assistants?
For small and medium sized businesses that are especially at the start-up stage, the requirement for extra assistance is often vital. But the constraints on funds, space or equipment can prevent them from hiring a full time assistant. This is where a Virtual Assistant (VA) can be a great resource.
Advantages of using a VA:
- The need for the traditional office paraphernalia like office space and equipment are eliminated, since a VA independently provides services from a remote location using his/her own equipment.
- The organization only needs to pay the VA for the time and material, if any, spent on the specific project.
- Since VAs have prior secretarial or similar experience, the need for training them is eliminated.
- Employee recruitment cost almost accounts to nothing at all.
- It cuts down overhead expenses like employee related insurances, taxes or benefits.
Hence, VAs are the best alternative that a growing small/medium scale business has as an economical and efficient alternative to hiring a full time employee.
Businesses that generally use the services of a VA:
The services of a VA can be availed by any person or business. Since a VA normally has prior administrative experience, their services are especially useful in businesses that experience regular periods of excessive pressure occurring due to paper work and other routine administrative tasks.
The businesses that generally use the services of a VA are:
- Real estate agents
- Legal professionals
- CPAs
- Journalists
- Authors
- Website owners
- Affiliate marketers
- Teachers and professors
- Life coaches/business coaches
- Consultants
- Therapists
- Beauty salon owners
- Artists
- Musicians
- Photographers
- Other small business owners, and so on
When would considering a VA be required?
Businesses should think of using the services of a VA if they are met with the following instances:
- More free time is required to focus on strategic and more important goals
- Delegation of work to existing staff would affect their productivity and their ability to meet deadlines
- Existing staff do not have the required skill set to complete the task in question
- There is a limitation on funds with regards to providing training, purchasing of office equipment or space
- There is a requirement for a forwarding address when the person in question is away from work for a while
- There is a requirement of an extra hand when the volumes of work are too large and difficult to handle on one’s own
- There is a general need of a personal assistant
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Who Uses Virtual Assistants?
Reviewed by Arup K Seth

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